Happiness Lies In Mind Control

28 October 2001, 02:04am IST

Never has the young generation experienced so much chaos as in current times. media, politicians, terrorists, educationists, missionaries and saints — all have made them their common target. good and evil, fanatics and moderates, all wish the youth to agree with their point of view. for a country, it is of utmost importance that the youth are looked after in terms of mental, psychological and spiritual development. any wrong education imparted to them can be dangerous for all humanity. very few can resist the ceaseless thoughts and desires that pass their mind. words have immense power to invoke violence in the young, the sight of so many luxuries excites them, negative thoughts are detrimental to their psychology. curbing desire seems pointless to them. with little control over their senses, the young wish to fulfil all that their mind desires. thwarted in this, they often resort to crime. adding fuel to fire are those who advise them to listen to their heart’s dictates. ideals are mocked at. the contemporary mantra is to let the senses rule the intellect. the result is increase in crime, loss of tolerance and an erosion of moral values. the age from 12 years to 25 years is the most dangerous. energy levels are at their highest, hormonal changes take place, sensual pleasures take precedence over all else. aware of the fire of the senses, rishis and munis dealt with such problems scientifically. they analysed that when energy is concentrated in the sexual organs or mulaadhar, it creates havoc in the body. this energy needs to be brought upwards towards the shiva netra, which is in the middle of the brow. in yogic parlance, it is called aagya chakra. also called the third eye, this point disciplines the mind and curtails negative emotions. just as an airport needs a control tower, similarly the body needs an activated aagya chakra to control the mind. if it remains undeveloped it gives rise to an imbalance of emotions and a criminal bent of mind. an activated aagya chakra improves concentration, develops inner discipline and negates negativity. yogis devised several techniques to control the mind, but even among them few are able to conquer it. the mind is in constant danger from anger, ego, lust, attachment and pride. the more a person indulges in luxuries, the more he becomes intolerant and a slave of the mind. a yogi has learnt that the mind will be still only when it is one with inner light. it pains him to see the magnificent power of the mind going to senseless waste. vedanta had emphasised that outside elements play havoc with the mind. the only solution was disciplining of senses. imitating their elders, the young feel no moral compunction in indulging the senses. being full of energy, the young wish to conquer the world. a laudable goal, perhaps, but vedanta says that this can be done only if you are in total control of your mind. once you are free from slavery of the mind, no outside element can act upon you. when a sage asks you to remain in touch with your culture he doesn’t want to turn the clock backwards. when you go out from your home every morning don’t you come back? when you rise don’t you go to sleep at night? no one is stopping you from going out in the world, working hard and becoming wealthy. but, it is necessary to return to your consciousness after a hard day’s work to find out whether you have strayed or led a life as stated by those ancient masters — the rishis and munis. irrespective of outer circumstances, one can be calm and quiet. there are plenty of yogic exercises that can tame the mind. the youth of today have great opportunities, and are able to procure wealth far sooner than their parents did. if spent nobly, wealth can be a blessing for humanity. the rule to happiness is in understanding your relationship with the world. sarve bhavantu sukhinah: the entire universe should be happy.
 (as told to seema burman)

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