Linking Science To Spirituality

 4 October 2001, 12:10am IST

The absolute force or prana is not merely fictitious in nature, as most people tend to believe but can be realised as a personal goal. we already know that the practice of the ancient science of yoga does not only help relieve us from different kinds of stress and tensions of modern life and keep us fit, but it can achieve the final goal of uniting the individual unit or prana of the body with the main universal absolute force. one of the more scientific explanations for prana is that this absolute force remains hidden in our bodies mainly in the central nervous system, and in the cerebro-spinal fluid, filled in the brain cavities and the spinal canal of the spinal cord. different types of energy are regarded to be manifestations of the absolute force and are under control of the same force. this particular force got involved with physical creation or illusory `matter' that manifests itself into various forms of plant and animal lives. the involvement of the absolute force is called `involution' of the energy. evolution, as meant in yoga is that course in which the involution of the absolute force is reversed. the hidden, involved, absolute force can be forced to evolve out from all body cells by the process of meditation and/or by controlled, breathing exercises. meditation is a process in which conscious thoughts, generated by the interaction of genes, are made to enter into subconscious thoughts and their cumulative energy force leads to generate an unconscious psychodynamic power that is utilised to control the normal body currents or bio-rhythms. by will, the cumulative energy force can be focused, transformed, tuned, directed and can be made gradually and progressively super-subtle to release the body's absolute force. this absolute force first of all starts showing its attributive properties of wave-particle duality, and then finally no motion at all -- prana. consequently, it becomes a non-dual, unipolar, motionless main absolute force of the universe and dissolves completely into it. the transcendental process of voluntarily dissolving individual prana into `prana', the universal force provides full awareness or realisation of the entire cosmos and is known as the union or yoga. therefore, prior to opening up new vistas in various fields of sciences, the researchers should be aware of the fundamental facts of the energy of conscious thoughts that indirectly play a pivotal role in revealing the secrets of nature. when conscious thoughts traverse into the vast fields of the subconscious thoughts of our body, a new type of cumulative force is generated by the brain and the spinal cord. this generates what are known as `mental' forces that are linked to the cns. these fields of mental forces can only be detected by the mind, which gives its indications in the form of flashes of light in the cns. this, in fact, provides clairvoyance or distant mental perception to the observer. we then see mentally what is happening elsewhere and our five senses are not involved in this perception. distance and time make no effect on these perceptions and it cannot be mutated by any kind of field in the earth's atmosphere or outer space. if a scientist is trained to pick up the right messages by concentrating and contemplating on the signals given by our mental forces, he or she may reach at the hidden truth in that particular field of research. when these bodily signals are focused and tuned to some living or any physical non-living matter, the conscious atoms of that particular matter will start revealing its secrets. when they are focused and tuned introvertly by biologists within their bodies, the living matter will start unfurling secret biorhythms. computer scientists and engineers who are dealing with intricate computer memories or various electronic systems which control computers automatically will have additional advantage if they modify their electronic circuitry, present in all sophisticated electronic systems, by storing extra bits of electrons. this should be done under the presumption that such activities can be influenced in due course by the strong wavelengths of thoughts created by human beings. it is known that modern computer memories are incorporated to a certain extent with such electronic bits. it is therefore possible to experience scientifically what in natural course is a spiritual experience.

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