The Garden of Eden is within you

Jan 14, 2010, 12.00am IST
Discourse: Sant Rajinder Singh.

Those who have awakened spiritually, rising above physical reality, tell us that this world is but an illusion: It is a passing show in a grand scheme of Creation.

There are worlds upon worlds, planes upon planes within us. This world is as illusory as images on a movie screen. When we watch the world, it appears to be real, but it is only rays of light. Similarly, a dream appears real while sleeping, but we realise its illusory nature when we awaken. Likewise, this world will seem like a dream when we experience a higher reality.

The dreamer of this world is the soul. In its state of ignorance, the soul thinks that the show it is watching here is real. However, when the soul turns its attention to the spiritual realms, it learns of the True Reality. It then sees that the only reality is the power of God of which it is a part.

A man went to a barber. After the barber cut his hair, he held a mirror in front of the man's face to show him his new haircut. As the barber held the mirror, the man could see in it that the king was passing behind him with his long entourage. The barber excitedly said to the man, ''Turn around and see the king passing.'' The man replied calmly, ''There is no need for me to turn around, for i have seen the king passing in the mirror.'' This illustrates a profound point. God can be seen in the microcosm of the soul. Many think God is a power that exists outside, yet God is found within us.

God is spirit, and the soul, being a part of God, is also spirit. It is said that when God wanted to bring about Creation, a principle issued from God in the form of a vibration; this vibration resulted in light and sound that, in turn, brought about all Creation. This power is referred to in scriptures as Naam, Shabd, Kalma and the Holy Word.

Meditation is the process of pulling back the veil that separates us from the Lord. As we focus our attention within, we start to see the inner Light of God and hear the inner music of God. Through absorption into the inner light and sound we rise from physical consciousness into realms of spiritual consciousness.

We find, as Christ has said, that there are ''many mansions in the house of our Father''. There are realms more ethereal than the physical, and each successive realm is brimming with more light, love and music. Ultimately, the soul reaches the purely spiritual realms of Sach Khand, the place from where the Lord emanates. There, the soul merges back in its Source, and becomes one with God. At that stage we perceive that the Light of God within us is also shining in all other people and in all other life forms. Then, the world becomes a reflection of God's beauty, and we rejoice in its trees, flowers, rivers and mountains. The entire macrocosm of God is contained in the microcosm of our soul.

The world was meant to be a Garden of Eden and a haven of bliss. To attain such a paradise on earth, each of us has to make a contribution. Peace and unity begin within each one of us. We cannot expect others to radiate harmony and oneness if we ourselves are not prepared to see their fruition in our own lives.

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