Sridevi: Symbol of wealth & prosperity

Apr 27, 2009, 08.00am IST

Mahalakshmi or Sridevi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity.

Our ancients who depicted energy in appealing forms, created images of gods and goddesses to portray its various aspects and attributes. One has to go deep within the forms, decipher the secret messages of the various symbols in each form, and transcend them to go into the divine energy space into the formless.

Devi as Mahalakshmi is popularly depicted as a beautiful woman of golden complexion. She is shown with four hands, seated on a full-bloomed lotus and holding a lotus bud, which stands for beauty, purity and fertility. The lotus is also a flower which blooms in dirty mud symbolising the unlimited potential in each one of us to bloom in any environment.

Mahalakshmi is surrounded by water, and water symbolises life. Water must constantly flow. If it doesn't, it leads to stagnation. Money must also flow and circulate, hence it is called currency coming from the root word current. All those who hoard money, who do not allow it to flow, do not understand the nature of money and life. Circulation is the secret of a healthy economy. It is also vital to a healthy life.

Lakshmi's bright image reflects grandeur and richness in every way, for God wants us to be rich and prosperous. Her four hands represent the four ends of human life. They are dharma or righteousness, kama or desires, artha or wealth, and moksha or liberation from the cycle of birth and death. These are the pillars of our life and are the basis of the Vedas and Upanishads.

Mahalakshmi showers gold coins from her right hand blessing her devotees to attract wealth. She is dressed in a green saree depicting fertility, growth and the manifested energy. At times she is wearing a red saree as red symbolises activity and potential energy.

Two white elephants are shown standing next to the goddess and spraying water. This denotes ceaseless effort, in accordance with one's dharma and governed by wisdom and purity, leading to both material and spiritual prosperity.

Mahalakshmi is also associated with the white owl, which has two symbolisms. One of wisdom and luck, the other stands for stupidity which means that wealth not handled properly can vanish because of arrogance and pride. Hence Lakshmi is said to be chanchal or fickle-minded. Some scriptures mention Lakshmi's sister Alakshmi who causes misfortune, depicting the state of not adhering to the Laws of Money.

The word Lakshmi is derived from the Sanskrit word Lakshya, which means, aim or goal. Lakshmi or money will come to all those who have a clear aim or goal. As clear as Arjuna's focus when he says, "I only see the eye of the bird", to his guru Dronacharya.

Friday is most associated with Lakshmi. Friday is Shukrawar in Sanskrit or planet Venus. Venus is a beneficent planet which rules material comfort and luxury. Also Friday comes from Freia, the Viking goddess of fertility. Dusk is the time of Lakshmi Pooja. It is important to keep the house spotlessly clean and pure. Lakshmi likes cleanliness, and she will visit the cleanest house first. This is also the reason why the broom is worshipped on Diwali with offerings of haldi and kumkum or turmeric and vermilion.

We also worship money, ornaments and other material possessions to express our gratitude to Goddess Lakshmi for showering her grace on us.

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