Global Oneness and The Venus Transit

Apr 30, 2004, 12.00am IST
Kiara Windrider.

The darkest hours of night arrive just before the light of dawn. Undoubtedly, the Earth faces a tremendous crisis today, a painful “dark night of the soul”, maybe even catastrophic obliteration. Yet, according to many ancient traditions, it is also a time of hope, evolutionary renewal and purification: The dawning of a Golden Age.

The ancient Mayan calendar resembles a cosmic timing code, and it reflects a deep understanding of long-term cycles of creation. As evolutionary cycles of cosmic energies are absor-bed into Earth’s electro-magnetic fields via the Sun, human consciousness responds in a predictable manner, following a cosmic pattern of dark and light. The Mayan calendar describes the sequence and timing of these patterns — the year 2012 symbo-lises the end of certain cycles of history based on duality and separation, and represents the birthing of a Golden Age of Enlightenment.

Venus is rich in archetypal symbolism. As the Morning Star, it is the Bringer of Light. It is related to love, human unity, beauty, and oneness. On June 8, 2004, the path of Venus directly crosses over the disc of the Sun, an eclipse lasting for the space of seven hours. The blended radiations make their way into the Earth’s electromagnetic fields, they weave energies of love and unity into the planet’s collective consciousness, and potentially into the hearts of every human on Earth.

Interestingly, Venus transits always come in pairs. The second passage of Venus across the Sun’s disc will take place on June 6, 2012. The eight-year period in between represents a “doorway” through which Unity consciousness will come to dominate our mass consciousness. This is a 130-year cycle and every time this transit has happened, it has represented a new level of harmonisation. Interestingly, the Taj Mahal, a great monument to love, was built during the Venus Transit of 1631-1639 AD.

The transition into Unity consciousness could be turbulent. As old structures of human consciousness collapse, it may be accompanied by a degree of darkness and destruction. “When the light hits”, as Jose Arguelles puts it, “the dark gets tough”. This current “doorway of Venus” is especially significant because it remains open until 2012 AD, the completion of our current cycle of human evolution. Some refer to this date as the end of linear time, the end of a period of human consciousness conditioned by separation and duality. The Mayans refer to it as the Return of Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent, and look to this eight-year doorway as the timeframe within which mass enlightenment of humanity will take place.
Worldwide, people should observe the days leading up to this Venus Transit as a time for opening to the bright impulse of cosmic energy that is streaming into our collective consciousness. What are our highest dreams and hopes? What is our greatest potential as divinely ins-pired humans? What can we create together as we step into the “doorway” to the Golden Age?

June 6-8 is being promoted worldwide as the Global Oneness Celebration. Let’s come together during this time in gatherings and prayers throughout the world to celebrate love and beauty, light and unity and translate these energies into art, economics, culture, politics, education and ecology. Let us pray for peace, healing, beauty, and global oneness.

(For more information visit

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