Intensity of Faith Yields the Truth

Feb 26, 2004, 12.00am IST

A devotee asked Ramakrishna Parmahansa: “Sir, is God real and can I see Him?” Ramakrishna replied: “Yes, God is real. I see Him just as I see you or any other object around me.” The devotee continued: “Can I also see Him as you do?” Said the sage: “Yes, you can, if the intensity of your longing for God is equal to the intensity of a drowning man longing for fresh air; or the intensity of a mother longing for the life of her only child in the grip of serious illness; or of the miser longing for more wealth. If your longing for God is at least a fraction of the longing which Radha had for Krishna, then you will see God.”

James Van Praagh, author of Talking to Heaven travelled in a bus to work. Waiting for a bus was like waiting for eternity. He intensely wished he had a car. He didn’t earn enough to buy a car, but he visualised himself driving a beautiful two-seater, with lea-ther seats, and an attractive dash-board. But it was a mere dream, and it remained imprinted in his mind.

A few months later, a friend leaving for Hawaii needed someone to look after his house and James volunteered his services. After four weeks, James received a telephone call from his friend telling him that he has decided to live in Hawaii. Could James find out a customer to sell the house?

So, James started look- ing around for prospective buyers and struck an attractive deal. James asked his friend if he should arrange to transport his car to Hawaii. The friend wrote: “It is not worth the expense. I can purchase a new car in Hawaii. You have done a great service to me by selling the house. You can keep the car”. It was the car of his dreams, a brand new two-seater-convertible.

James concluded that if you believe in something and desire for it intensely, it materialises from nowhere as a gift. If you desire to see God intensely, you will at least experience his presence.

When your thoughts accumulate, they become your beliefs and the beliefs haunt your mind. The mind is a vast ocean of potential. You can dive into that, surf it; float on it, swim in it, play and have fun in it.

God speaks through dreams, hunches, instincts and inner voices, opening closed doors. For example, author Robert Louis Stevenson got most of his ideas for his books from his dreams. As soon as he woke up, he would sit at his desk and write down his dreams, word by word. These dreams eventually became his novels. The work of Thomas A Edison, music composer Mozart and Albert Einstein have all been inspired by dreams.
Like dreams, prayer is a powerful tool to realise God. Joseph Murphy who spent many years in India writes: “The law of your mind is the law of belief itself”. Whatever we feed our subconscious mind; false or true, good or evil, will register as a fact.
So, be careful about misfortune, as the subconscious has no sense of humour and the misfortune can occur if the mind figured it in the beginning. Murphy refers to the rituals of ancient India with the mixture of incantations and repetitions which converts suggestions into realities.

The miracle of healing, according to Murphy, is simply the body offering the subconscious mind’s ‘knowledge of perfect health’ when the questioning nature of the conscious mind is silenced. Real faith is about things happening in the present. If it is hundred per cent faith, it must happen.

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